1. Learn to adapt and be flexible - Every office or agency has a particular way of doing things, whether that be filing documents on a server, using the copy machine, or cleaning the kitchen. Going in with an open mind and your putting feelers out to pick up these types of things quickly makes the transition easier for you and everyone else you work with so you can get right down to business.
2. Ask questions - Rolling right along and merging into tip number two we find a common and even seemingly obvious piece of advice. Regardless, asking questions is sometimes
hard to do when starting work in a new place. And I know, "there's no such thing as a dumb question" (even though I've definitely tested those limits), but in most cases questions are welcomed, as your superiors realize you are there to learn...not to mention there is a better chance you'll successfully accomplish whatever you've been set out to do, which makes everyone's lives easier.

And last but not least...
5. Don't be afraid to take a breather every once in a while - By all means, make sure to maintain a professional and appropriate attitude and work ethic, but you don't need to take yourself seriously 24/7/365. As interns we have been given the opportunity to learn and grow on our path towards accomplishing our professional goals, but live in the moment and have fun with what we've been given. There is definitely a line between being driven and driving yourself over the edge and finding your own balance is key to a successful and happy life.
- Elli
- Elli
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