Today's blog post is going to be a bit different than others I have produced in the past. It won't be about board sports, hurting myself, or stealing back bicycles. It's about trying a different approach to getting hired. After getting sick of writing the quintessential cover letters, I thought I would try something a bit different.
To start off, I understand that 1 million+ other young professionals are in my shoes at the moment. Trying to land that solid entry-level job. Possessing the skills, knowledge and know-how is not the question. I am sure myself and others are all roughly around the same skill set. But differentiating myself is key to landing that stellar position that I want and oh so need.
I have a college degree. Bachelor's of Science degree in advertising and a Minor in business marketing. Me and about a trillion others. I have internship experience at a creative and innovative advertising agency as well as roughly a year experience working in corporate America. I am very technologically savvy, I know and understand most computer programs and if I don't it will take me 30 seconds to figure it out. I understand social media and have had a Facebook account since it began back in 2004. I know I am a veteran. I consider myself to be creative. So does my mom. She always hung up my drawings on the refrigerator. When I was in middle school one of my poems I wrote in class was published in a nationally renown book of literature.
I strive to be a trendsetter, my newest accomplishment has been bringing the 'high-five' back. Think it's not back or hasn't gone anywhere? Think again. It was all me.
I have had a very diverse background. One that I feel makes me fairly well-rounded. I once worked on a commercial fishing boat in the Bering Sea. Similar to the show "The Deadliest Catch" only not in the dead of winter. Being out at sea on a 32' boat with only two others; a crusty, grumpy captain and a crystal meth addict going through withdrawals for a month straight was no easy task. Not to mention the 20 hour days...
I also worked as a wild-land firefighter. Saving mother nature's gorgeous landscape and foliage from destruction. As well as protecting homes and people's lives. I've seen a few dead burnt cows and enough rattle snakes to fill up a dump-truck.
I used to instruct celebrities how to snowboard. Well one or two celebs. Meg Ryan count?
I saved a resort building from burning down from a chemical fire. Harker Center in Elkhorn, ID, still have the letter of appreciation if you want to read it.
I volunteered and taught underprivileged children with disabilities how to swim in Seattle, WA.
I have worked in many restaurants, created my own hot sauce, made a rap song, was an All-State basketball player in high school, drank Kava with a prince of a small island in Fiji, well that one is kind of irrelevant and I am not sure if he was a prince, that's just what he told me.
I have compiled a 'Man Resume' as I call it. A list of all the things I want to accomplish before I die. Most current between #46- Surf in Nicaragua and #48- Save dolphins from the Taiji, Japan dolphin slaughter, is land a job with a solid salary and good benefits. I really hope I accomplish #47 before I die. Or before I have to move onto #48 cause that plane ticket will be $pendy.
If you or someone you know is looking for an outstanding, handsome, hardworking young man with a hunger to learn and willingness to do just about anything, feel free to shoot me an email: jayhofman@gmail.com.
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