As frequent Facebookers know, the cronies and comrades of Mark Zuckerberg are always trying to improve the social network of our generation. This new application is simply called "Questions." It allows anyone to type up and ask a question to the entire Facebook nation. The service is supposed to act as a resource for everyone, from students to businesses.
Why should I care about Questions?
Questions are informative; as Facebook puts it, "learn from your friends." Whether we admit it or not, we care about what other people think. Where is the best place to eat in San Diego? Are you going to the Lady Gaga concert? NorCal or SoCal? Everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing, saying, liking, etc. I mean, isn't that why we are on Facebook so much in the first place?

Unlike other websites like Yahoo! Answers and Quora, Facebook Questions is not open-ended. Answers are definitive and can be suggested through a drop-down menu suggesting existing Facebook pages.
What does this mean for marketing and public relations?
Informal research just got a lot easier. Businesses and organizations can now speak directly to consumers and publics. They can make better informed and appropriate decisions by simply asking a question they would like answered. What's your favorite flavor at Yogurtland? Who do you want to see in concert this summer? Where is your favorite place to go shopping?
My next question is, will you be using Facebook Questions?