Below is an overview of the little (and big) things that became so dear to your ‘PR Intern 2’:
- The daily positive, thought-provoking quotes written on the fridge board that made me scurry back to my desk to get a pen and notebook to jot them down onto – I've collected numerous!
- My cherished friend Keurig – you were incredibly loyal to me during my three months.
- Agency days at The Del Mar Racetrack – who could have ever resisted the ponies and people watching?
- The fabulous Culture and Cocktail events at The San Diego Museum of Art – it was a genius idea to mix socializing with fantastic exhibitions and music – and Avedon C &C is coming up this Thursday, August 13!!!
- The lively Agency employees who made me endlessly giggle from conversations – overheard and involved in. Their blog reflects this liveliness too!
- The other hard-working BG interns – whose passion for their field was felt through their determination to do what was necessary in order to do what they love.
And I’m off! It’s been great BG! Thanks for the ride!!